Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome To The World

Little Sydney...I can't imagine life without you and you have only been here just under six weeks! You are the sweetest little baby who hardly ever cries. Let's start from the beginning of your life. Your due date was July 18th. A week before that on Friday I was starting to have contractions, not very consistent but all day long. On Saturday I was having them all day again. We all went to clean out the car, got some treats at Sonic and stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home for a few necessities. By the time we were home my contractions were getting closer together and stronger. After Gavin and Ruby were in bed I was laying on the couch and then went to bed. I woke up around 2 am with pretty consistent contractions that were getting stronger. I brushed my teeth and your dad asked what I was doing and if we were going to have a baby that night. I told him to go back to sleep and I would let him know. I took a shower and woke your dad up an hour or so later and told him this baby was coming tonight. We got all ready to go and took G&R over to our friend's house (the Ostler's) around 5am. We headed to Ohio State Wexler Medical Center and got checked in around 5:45 am. I was dilated to a 5 and soon after they got us into the labor and delivery room and got me my epidural. After that they broke my water and soon after I was all the way dilated and ready to push. My midwife told dad she had a gown ready for him if he wanted to deliver you. So, he put it on and she walked him through the whole process. It was a pretty cool experience for him and I. Your dad got to deliver you! He cut the cord and the midwife put your tiny little body on me. You didn't cry at first, and then after a minute you let out a good cry but calmed down pretty quickly. I got to hold you for a while before they got you all cleaned up. Your dad and I loved you instantly, and couldn't imagine our lives without you. You were born a week early on July 13th at 10:27 am, and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and were 20 3/4 inches long. Healthy as can be. You have been such a good sleep well at night and only wake up once to eat. You go to sleep on your own, and are so content when you are awake...such an angel baby. Gavin and Ruby LOVE you so much. They are always in your face (especially Gavin ;) ). He is such a good big brother and I often find him on the floor by your bouncer eating his snack with you are playing with his toys right by you. It is so sweet. Ruby is such a little mommy. She loves to help me change your diaper, give you baths and burp and hold you. It's pretty have a pretty great big brother and sister.

When you were first born we thought you looked a lot like Gavin did when he was born, now I can see some Ruby in you too, but you still have your own little look. We love you so, and most nights I am parked on the couch with you asleep on my chest...nothing better in the world.